In the last days of December 1890, the Miniconjou tribe led by Spotted Elk, at the news of Sitting Bull's assassination, left the camp on the Cherry stream to go to Pine Ridge, hoping for the protection of Red Cloud.
On December 28th they were intercepted by four squadrons of the Seventh Cavalry Regiment led by Major Samuel Whitside, who had orders to lead them to a cavalry camp on the Wounded Knee. 120 men and 230 women and children were taken to the bank of the stream, camped and surrounded by two squadrons of cavalry.
The command of the operations was taken by Colonel James Forsyth and the next day Spotted Elk's men, seriously ill due to pneumonia, were disarmed. Black Coyote, a young deaf Miniconjou, delayed deposing his Winchester rifle, was surrounded by soldiers and, while deposing his weapon, a blow started and an indiscriminate massacre followed. The field was mowed by machine guns and the confirmed deaths were 153. According to a later estimate, of the 350 present Miniconjou nearly 300 died.
Twenty-five soldiers were killed, some perhaps accidental victims of their comrades. After rescuing the wounded soldiers, a detachment returned to the field where 51 Indians were still alive, 4 men and 47 women and children.