The true statemenets are;
- Most sunlight photons that hit clouds are reflected back into space.
- Most infrared photons that hit clouds are reflected back to the Earth’s surface.
- Most sunlight photons that reach Earth’s surface are absorbed and reemitted as infrared photons.
Photons of sunlight interact with clouds in Earth's atmosphere by reflecting off them, which results in the phenomenon known as cloud albedo. In addition to reflecting most of the sunlight that strikes them back into space, clouds also help to absorb and reemit infrared photons, or heat. In addition, the Earth's surface absorbs sunlight, which causes infrared radiation to be released.
The energy balance of Earth is impacted by several processes, which affect temperature distribution. The false options—that is, that sunlight passes through clouds easily or that most sunlight is reflected back into space—do not align with the established relationships between solar radiation, clouds, and the Earth's surface.