Male reproductive system contain both primary and secondary reproductive organs. The role of primary reproductive organ is to produce gametes and hormones where as the role of secondary reproductive organ is to assist in storage of sperms and transport them to exterior.
Step-by-step explanation:
The primary reproductive organ in males is Testis. The testes are situated outside the abdominal cavity within a pouch called scrotum. The main function of testis is to produce sperms and the hormone called testosterone. Testosterone is responsible for secondary sexual characteristics in males.
Other than testes there is system of ducts or accessory ducts which help is storage and transport of sperms. It includes Epididymis, Vas deferens, Ejaculatory duct, Urethra.
Accessory glands are also the part of male reproductive system which include Seminal vesicle, prostrate gland and bulbourethral glands. Sperms along with secretions of accessory glands make the semen. The male copulatory organ or male genitalia called penis plays the role of ejaculating the semen into the female reproductive system.