I'll do a and e on the first one to show you how to do it
Then See if you can do the rest
a. 6(-3)
When your multiplying or dividing with negative numbers; If one of your numbers is negative like the one above, your answer will be negative
So 6 × 3 = 18 ; but since there is a negative on the 3 your answer will be -18
e. -20 ÷ 5
same for this; 20 ÷ 5 = 4, but since the 20 is negative the answer will be -4
You do b, c, d, and f on the first question. Tell me what you get and we'll go from there
Now for the second question
I will do a and d to show you how to do this then you do the rest (I'm inserting a picture with these)

First go ahead and turn the fractions into improper fractions, this makes them a bit easier to work with. When multiplying fractions; they do not need a common denominator, all you do is multiply top by top and bottom by bottom.
However, when you add and subtract fractions you MUST have a common denominator
d. (-4.25)(2) + (-4.25)(-2)
remember from the first problem a negative times a positive gives you a negative
but when you times a negative by a negative you get a positive
Now you try b and c; let me know what you get, and we'll go from there!