The Wampanoag chief who waged war on several colonies was Metacomet.
Step-by-step explanation:
Metacomet, also known as King Philip, was a warrior chief of the Wampanoag tribe, who led them during King Philip's War.
He was the son of Massassoit and brother of Wamsutta, succeeding him in 1662. In 1671 he signed the treaty of Taunton as a sign of goodwill towards the whites. But as European presence increased and began to invade indigenous territories, the Narragansett, Nipmuc and Pennacook allied, declaring war in 1675, in which 12,000 Amerindians attacked 50 of the 90 white villages, destroying 9 of them and killing a thousand settlers, but finally they were defeated with the siege of Swansea and their tribe was practically exterminated. Metacomet was taken prisoner and executed in August 1676, his head exposed on a stick and his family deported as slaves to the West Indies.