The correct answers are A. Artists portray the same subject in different ways, B. Artists create their own style by using a variety of techniques when portraying a subject and D.
Artists use a certain style that shows their unique vision of a particular subject.
Step-by-step explanation:
Portraits is a painting genre, which was highly supported by states and the church as patrons. In the beginning, they symbolized power, as the personality portraited need to be known by their subjects.
Later, with the rise of the bourgeoisie, this class started to patronize art. The portraying have got a large expansion and adoption during the Dutch Golden Age when Dutch Baroque artists created many portraits for their patrons and other members of the upper-classes.
While Renaissance artists were commissioned to portray clerics and nobles, their style was centered in portraying the subject in an idealized background. It could be an indoor scene or even a verisimilar outdoor one, but the subject was always surrounded by other elements.
During the Baroque Era, other experimentations are incorporated into the genre. Expressive faces, body imperfections, and even clothing flaws were depicted in a dramatic atmosphere.
And the experimentations during Baroque have changed the tracks of the genre, as many of the artists have been self-portraying. Rembrandt, Frans Hals and some “Caravaggestics” – which were Caravaggio’s followers – have experimented portraying themselves in many pictures.
But a landmark of portraits experimentation was Velazquez’s Las Meninas (1656), which many languages and styles were fostered to construct this Spanish Royalty commission.
Instead of portraying King Philip VI and his wife, Queen Mariana of Austria, Diego Velazquez (1599-1660) depicted the paintings backstage, portraying himself painting the Royal Couple, and the princesses. The King and the Queen are only present as reflexion on the mirror on the wall in the background. Courtiers and even the royal family dogs appear in the picture.