La enfermera siempre me tomaba la temperatura.
Enrique tenía dolor de cabeza con frecuencia.
A los niños les dolía la garganta.
A nosotros no nos gustaba ir al dentista.
Yo era alérgico a la aspirina.
Step-by-step explanation:
The "pretérito imperfecto" in Spanish is used to express situations in the past which don't have a certain beginning and end. In English this kind of situations are sometimes expressed with used to plus the verb or with the simple past.
The nurse always measured my temperature. The nurse used to always measure my temperature.
Enrique had headaches frequently. Enrique used to have headaches frequently.
The kids had a sore throat.
We didn't like going to the dentist.
I was allergic to aspirin. I used to be allergic to aspirin.