I was kidnapped by my mother, and no one knew until I didn't show up at school for a week and people got suspicious. My mother took me away from everyone because I was bullied and my mom wanted to show me the world with no anger or judgment, but in the world now there is judgment where ever you go. I never went back home, and I died from a stab wound to the neck. My mother stabbed me because she didn't know what to do so she killed herself and me; her last words were, “I love you Liam, and I'm sorry that this had to happen.” This story is written to tell the story of Liam James (me) and my mother Angela James; we loved each other, but life wasn't so easy, and it just got worse, so she decided on doing what she did that night.
Angela (my mom) was raised in a mental facility because as a kid she killed her twin sister when she was seven. Her parents didn’t want her, and they thought she was a disgrace to their family, so they put her in a mental facility and disowned her. As she got older she planned her revenge on her family, but in her plan for revenge she planned to escape from the facility, and after she had escaped she met a guy named William James who helped her get revenge. Angela was so in love she forgot about her revenge, so she and William had a baby, and his name was Liam James. Angela and William wanted their son (me) to have a good life, so they planned to rob a bank, and once they did, they would move out of state and changed their names to Amanda and Will Jones.
Fifteen years later I was a freshman in high school, and Amanda and Will had decent jobs. One night though Amanda and Will were driving home and they were drunk, so they got in a car crash, but once they made it to the hospital, Will was already dead. When Amanda found out she blamed herself, and she went insane, so she saw the people they crashed into at the hospital and that night she snuck into their rooms and suffocated them.
After she had checked out of the hospital she started thinking and then decided to get her revenge on her family who abandoned her when she was just a little girl, so she started searching for them and found out they were living in Houston, and they adopted two little girls; once she heard that she was filled with rage. After she was done plotting out her plan, me and her moved to Houston where she became friends with her parents, and they had no idea that she was their daughter, which made her even more upset. At night she climbed in the window of their house and killed them all even the two daughters they adopted, but Amanda didn’t know that I had followed her and he realized what she had done.
I began to get anxiety, and he started making bad grades in school. Also I was bullied; I was bullied so much that I had bruises when I came home and Amanda started noticing it, so she asked me who was beating me up, and I wouldn’t tell her, but one day I was beaten up so bad that Amanda yelled at me until I would tell her who did it, so I told her. Amanda then fake kidnapped me, so I wouldn't be judged by other people at school like how she was judged by her parents. After she had kidnaped me she found out where the kids who bullied me at school lived and stabbed them to death, but she didn’t realize that I escaped and followed her and saw everything she did and I told her to stop, or I would tell the cops but she didn’t and so I ran as fast as he could to the police station, but before I could make it she had stabbed me in the neck, but while he was bleeding out Amanda held him in her arms and said “ I love you Liam and I’m sorry this had to happen. After I was dead she couldn’t handle it anymore and killed herself as well.
Step-by-step explanation: