John Calvin was a major Theologian follower of Luther, and founder of the doctrine of predestination, prominent Reformist,
Step-by-step explanation:
Calvin became a prominent theologian of the Reformation, introducing the notion of Predestination as the main doctrine in Northern Europe-to be contrasted to salvation by works according to Catholicism.
The French preacher, born in Geneva during times of Protestant awakening
He helped to spread the belief in the sovereignty of God in all areas of life, noticing that without the Providence, this life would be just unable to be lived. The sovereignty of God manifested in the predestination, or choosing before, for the people to be saved.
The doctrine of Calvin became known as Calvinism a major doctrine still present in Protestant beliefs denominations
Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536) became the pillar of his works were the main arguments developed by him are to be found.