2.20752 x

The first thing you have to do is to look for the number of seconds in one year. You have to multiply 365 days by 86,400 seconds.
- 365 days refer to the total number of days per year
- 86,400 seconds refer to the number of seconds per day
Let's solve.
- 365 x 86,400 = 31,536,000 or 3.1536 x

Therefore, one year has 3.1536 x
Next, you have to know the number of seconds in 10 billion years.
- (3.1536 x
) x (1.0 x
) = 3.1536 x

The last step is to multiply the number of seconds in 10 billion years to 7 million tons of mass per second.
- (3.1536 x
) x 7,000,000 = 2.20752 x