B) They used hard stone tools to work softer into sculptures.
Step-by-step explanation:
It is noteworthy that the Maya, who had no metal instruments, made numerous articles from a thick and thick material, jade, especially a wide range of dress components, for example, belt plaques - or celts - ear spools, pendants, and furthermore covers. Celts were at times engraved with a stela-like portrayal of the lord.
The best-known case of a mask is presumably the demise cover of the Palenque lord Pakal, secured with sporadically molded jade plaques and having eyes produced using mother-of-pearl and obsidian; another passing veil, having a place with a Palenque ruler, comprises of malachite plaques. Thus, certain round and hollow vases from Tikal have an external layer of square jade circles. Many stone carvings had jade decorates.