1. Option b, byproduct of atomic energy
2. Option D, He was the first man in space
3. Option D, both a and b
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Whenever nuclear fission or fusion reaction occur, radiation energy is released in some or the other form.
For example -
Uranium-235 or Plutonium-239 undergo nuclear fission reaction where their nucleus splits into lighter nuclei along with release of free neutrons, gamma radiations and kinetic energy
2. Yuri Gagrin was the first man in the world to go on any space expedition. On 12 April 1961, his space capsule completed one round around the earth.
3. With the increase in vehicle ownership, it is clear that travelling is an essential part of day to day life of people. They travel through high speed vehicles on improved infrastructure because they are cautious about their comfort, ease and travel time.