Boreal or Coniferous forest
Step-by-step explanation:
Plants that bear their seeds on cones and possesses needle-like leaves are known as conifers (a group of gymnosperms). They include pines, spruces and firs etc.
Boreal/Coniferous/Taiga forest is found in countries like Canada, Russia, and Northern Europe etc. It has a cold, dry winter and short, cool and wet summer. The long and cold winters in the Boreal forest have led to the predominance of evergreen cone-bearing plants who are better adapted to the cold climates known as Coniferous trees. Their needles are adaptive features to their habitat in the sense that, it helps them absolutely heat from sunlight, hence making them begin photosynthesis as soon as temperature rise above freezing (early spring). The needles also help them prevent water loss during transpiration because the stomata are located at the underside of the needles coated with a waxy cuticle.
Hence, the name of their biome, Coniferous forest.