Effectively, the Committee of Public Safety protected the Revolution from itts enemies.
Step-by-step explanation:
Although it had been created to supervise and accelerate the action of the State and was qualified to adopt urgent measures in internal and external defense, in practice it operated as a dictatorship, as it guided and directed the legislation, usurping functions of the National Convention.
Among the measures it took are the adoption of the mass cam to recruit as many soldiers as possible among the population, the so-called "nation in arms." It also adopted measures typical of a war economy such as the control of the export of gold, the confiscation of foreign currency to French citizens in exchange for assignats (revolutionary paper money) or legislation against the grabbing of provisions and food with what got the revolutionary currency not devalued. The food was distributed through a centralized system of requisitions, by a subsistence commission submitted to the Committee. A list of prices and maximum salaries was also set to curb inflation. These measures were intended to satisfy the Jacobin extremists, the shirtless or sans-culottes, in order to achieve their adherence. Social services were improved and attempts were made to introduce universal primary education.