A restaurant has 2006 forks, 1745 knives and 1898 spoons.
Owner of the restaurant wants to equalize the number of each utensil.
Least number of utensil is of knives = 1745
To make spoons equal to knives number of spoons donated = 1898 - 1745 = 153
Similarly number of forks donated = 2006 - 1745 = 261
Therefore, Number of knives and spoons donated to make them equal are 153 and 261 respectively.
Other way to equalize the numbers of knives and spoons equal to forks she can purchase more.
Number of knives to be purchased = 2006 - 1745 = 261
Number of spoons to be purchased = 2006 - 1898 = 108
Therefore, number of knives and spoons that should be purchased to equalize the numbers to forks should be = 261 and 108