Jesus was given to the world to a virgin named Mary. He was a gift from God. (Please talk to a priest or attend a church to find out more and get saved!) Jesus was despised by people and the king at the time because he was taking away the belief from the gods that the king wanted them to believe in. One night, they took Jesus and crucified him and tortured him on a cross. He died a couple days later and was buried in a tomb with a giant stone blocking the front. Three days later (Easter), Jesus overcame death and came back to life. When Mary and her friend came to look at the tomb in grief, they saw the stone rolled away and the linen he was wrapped in laying on the floor of the tomb. It was because of this crucifiction that we are able to go to heaven, but only if you are a believer.
Thanks so much for the opportunity to answer your question. If you do not believe in Jesus Christ, please look into it by going to a church, talking to a priest, or looking it up. I hope this helps! :)