3. b. "When you are in Rome, do as the Romans do." is a well known idiom, meaning that when arriving to a new place, one should do what one sees locals doing, in order to fit in.
4. c. When expressing ideas related to a particular trade we use a particular jargon, which are words that have a particular meaning in those contexts. Such as IM or FX in the medical jargon, which mean intramuscular and bone fracture respectively.
5. a. Harley is the complete subject in this sentence, led is the main verb, the pack is the direct object, and when she ran the 3,000 meter run is a subordinate clause indicating time.
6. b. boy is the simple subject in this sentence, The and young are the subject's modifiers, was scolded is the main verb in the passive voice, by his mother is the agent of the passive action introduced with a "by-clause", and for playing in the street is an adjunct of reason.