B) exclusion from office of ex-Confederate officers who had served during the Civil War
Step-by-step explanation:
The reconstruction was a period of American history that lasted from 1865 to 1877. The term has two applications: the first applies to the entire history of the entire country from 1865 to 1877 after the Civil War; the second, to the attempted transformation of the 11 ex-Confederate states from 1863 to 1877, as ordered by Congress. The reconstruction put an end to the remnants of Confederate nationalism and put an end to slavery, making the new slaves free citizens with civil rights seemingly guaranteed by three new constitutional amendments.
Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson adopted moderate positions to return the South to the Union as quickly as possible, while Radical Republicans in Congress sought stronger measures to improve the rights of African-Americans, including the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. the United States, while reducing the rights of former confederates, such as through the provisions of the Wade-Davis bill. Johnson, a former Tennessee senator and former slave owner, pursued an indulgent policy toward former confederates. Lincoln's last speeches show that he was leaning to support the freedom of vote of all freedmen, while Johnson opposed this.