The verb ser is used to talk about permanent or lasting attributes. This verb stands for descriptions, occupations, characteristics, time, origin and relationships. In this exercise, we are asked to write four complete sentences using the verb ser to describe yourself and four other friends, so let's define what descriptions means:
- Descriptions. This talk about the essential qualities that describe a person or things like names, nationalities, physical descriptions and religions.
So, let's give a physical description of myself and four other friends:
Yo soy alto y moreno
The description is alto y moreno. So, alto stands for the height and moreno stands for the skin color. The translation of this sentence is:
I am tall and brown
Francis es rubia y de ojos azules
The description is rubia y de ojos azules. So, rubia stands for the skin color and de ojos azules stands for her eye color. The translation of this sentence is:
Francis is blonde-haired and blue-eyed
Inés es pequeña
The description is pequeña. So, pequeña stands for her height. The translation of this sentence is:
Inés is small
Gregori es calvo
The description is calvo. So, calvo stands for his hair. The translation of this sentence is:
Gregori is bald
Alejandro es gordo
The description is gordo. So, gordo stands for his body frame. The translation of this sentence is:
Alejandro is fat