The address of the boutique is 538 elm
We have to order the four buildings in the next table
500 | 524 | 538 | 544
X | X | X | X
Knowing that the studio has the highest address, then
500 | 524 | 538 | 544
X | X | X | dance studio
Knowing that the boutique is between the cafe and the studio , the options are
500 | 524 | 538 | 544
cafe | boutique | X | dance studio
500 | 524 | 538 | 544
X | cafe | boutique | dance studio
500 | 524 | 538 | 544
cafe | X | boutique | dance studio
Knowing that the grocery is between the cafe and boutique, only the last option can be chosen. Then,
500 | 524 | 538 | 544
cafe | grocery | boutique | dance studio