In multiplying with decimals,
you may make decimals disappear
As we know, multiplying with 1 doesn't change our equalities.
So, $0.79 x 3.7 x (100/100) becomes (79 x 3.7) / 100
and again, multiplying with 10/10 and we get
(79x37) / 1000 = 2923/1000
We all know that we can write
0.001 = 1/1000
therefore, conversely,
2923/1000 = 2.923
Notice that you have the denominator as you removed decimals.
e.g. in 0.79, to remove 2 decimals, we multiply with 100/100
So, total zeros in denominator is total decimal places present.
By doing so we get the easy formula for decimals.
e.g. 0.003 x 0.05 has toal of 5 decimal places.
So, answer is 15/100000 = 0.00015
"Number of zeros for denominator equals to total decimal places of your numbers."