Here is the translation of the recording:
The official name of the country of Venezuela is "Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela". Christopher Colon explored this nation during his third expedition and Simon Bolivar freed a lot of South-American countries that belonged to Spain in 1891. After the liberation, Venezuela was part of a confederation between Colombia and Ecuador. So, there were a lot of dictators that governed the republic. In 1959, Venezuela established a democracy with three branches of government - Executive, Legislative, and Federal. In 1999, Venezuela rectified it's new democratic constitution.
Now, I am going to translate the questions, but I want you to answer the questions in English, then try your very best to answer them in Spanish and post your translation here and I will correct and explain if needed.
1. What is the official name of the nation of Venezuela?
2.After the liberation, what countries were joined together in a confederation?
3.What type of constitution does Venezuela have?