This is my opinion and the way I look at it from my perspective. Thus, if you want you can see what you think.
Job Specialization started as men going to war and women working in their houses, and woman working on farms when they're men were away or incapable of doing so. Then it moved to more jobs when the war stopped and economical depression hit, and everyone in the family got involved. Hunting, Trading, Healing (Doctors) were only some of the jobs. At that time, some were seen as richer than others (I think, it only makes sense to me) and some social class was built but not a very wide distinguish, but these days we "honor" ourselves by mingling with people with the same professions as us, seeing them as smart as as. For example, some students in training/internship would be schocked, or officially announce it as sexism, if a patient asked whether they (let's say a she) was going to become a nurse.
I don't understand why one who's a maid, can't be seen with the same respect and dignity as one who's a wife (or the maid's owner). I mean, we are human..people have forgotten that over the years.
Why does a physician must be seen with more confidence, due to other's compliments, than one who is a craftsmen? Both use their skills, patience, and creativity to fit puzzles into a working art (whether it be a diagnosis or a master pottery piece).
We, some of us, have cut ourselves from the rest of society staying with our preferred "social status" group because we're "too rich" or "too poor" when in reality we are all here for a reason. We have made a perspective of poverty, middle class, and the rich based on job medians and salaries.
The bigger house has always been reserved for higher groups, while we made "squatting" a term for the poor...unfortunately, it is upsetting to see the huge changes that have occurred over the past centuries. We are always demanding for the best, thinking that happiness would be brought on by the 'woman/man of our dreams' or even the biggest house.
My goal in life? I don't want to be a physician and be labelled as a rich person, because I'm going to give out all of my money. To build a farm on an acre, and have a pool and different houses with barns and animals to keep everyone happy. Best of all? I hope to have it all free. I don't want my job to be seen as me being too smart, or too mean, or whatever else; my job should not determine what my personality is, but unfortunately that is where we stand today. I will refuse to be a part of the social "norm", always been different. And if I can set a goal, then so can everyone else.
Stop seeing your job as an excuse, and start seeing your personality as more than something that is associated with a certain social class.
I hope I helped, and apologize for swaying away from the topic at hand near the end of it. If you need more clarification, then please feel free to ask.