A. Rhett was unwilling to listen to what his friend told him.
C. Whoever said that the early bird catches the worm was right.
Step-by-step explanation:
A noun clause is a group of words (with a subject and a verb) within a sentence functioning as a noun and normally referring to a fact, event, situation, process or idea. Since this type of clause are nouns, it can be a subject, a direct or indirect object, a predicate nominative, or an object of a preposition, and it can be referred to with pronouns like it and that. Furthermore, many of them begin with the words who, whoever, what, whatever, that, whether, which, and others.
Option A's noun clause is “what his friend told him,” because this clause is acting as the object of the preposition “to.” Furthermore, we can check that it is a noun clause because it can be replaced with the pronoun “it.”
In option C, the noun clause is “Whoever said that the early bird catches the worm” because it is the subject of the sentence, that is, what is being dealt with. Likewise, we can confirm that it is a noun clause because it can be replaced with the pronoun “it.”