A number to be divisible by 2 should have the last digit even but the number 1485 does not have last digit even hence not divisible by 2.
A number to be divisible by 3 should have digit sum divisible by 3 so, 1 + 4+ 8 + 5 = 18 is divisible by 3 have 1485 is divisible by 3
A number to be divisible by 5 should have once digit 5 or 0 hence, 1485 is divisible by 5
A number to be divisible by 6 should be divisible by both 2 and 3 hence, 1485 is not divisible by 6.
A number to be divisible by 9 should have their digit sum divisible by 9. The digit sum is 18 hence, the number is divisible by 9.
A number to be divisible by 10 should have 0 on the ones place 1485 is not divisible by 10.