1. I believe the answer is: bound
The word 'bound' in this context describe something that bounded a certain individual which prevented him from doing a certain things or feeling a certain way, which could be caused by either an emotional distress or some sort real life risks. The function is similar to the word 'fettered'
2. I believe the answer is: approaching
The word impending describe something that slowly move to the time or destination that we've been waiting for. It could be replace with approaching in this context since the team are focusing themselves on the game as the days move forward to approach match day,.
3. I believe the answer is: beseeching
The word imploring and beseeching on the sentence has similar meaning of asking other people desperately or urgently to give or do something. This word is usually used when the subjects is currently in a high risk or high priority situations.
4.I believe the answer is: astute
The words astute and judicious on the sentence have a similar meaning. They both mean Making correct assessment/decision based on the current situation at hand. These words is usually used to describe someone with a certain level of experience or expertise.
5.I believe the answer is: risky
The words precarious and risky on that sentence have a similar meaning, which describes a position or situation that possess high level of danger to a certain individual ( such as someone who's about to fall, someone who do financial decision without proper planning, etc)