Terrorism is just that -- the act of causing terror. It's different from conventional warfare where two armies face off against each other in open battle.
Terrorism, instead, uses cells (small groups), sometimes hidden in plain sight, and other assets to conduct indirect or asymmetrical warfare to cause damage, distress, and often to deliver a message. One result is that targets ramp up their security and spend billions to initiate changes in an effort to defend against an enemy that isn't very obvious. In conventional warfare, big armies = obvious targets. In terrorism, individuals hidden in plain view = not obvious and hard to attack, so new technologies/tactics have to be created to try and fight it more efficiently.
Terrorism can also be completely independent of any one country or its politics unlike the armed forces of a country that serve it. When Timothy McVeigh blew up a federal building in 1995 with a truck bomb, he did it as an act of revenge for Waco. He was a US citizen that hated the government. When 9/11 happened, it was al-Quaeda who claimed responsibility for them because of US actions in the Middle East, but no one country had really sponsored either of these individuals.