• Gup and Chup
Step-by-step explanation:
Kahani is a place, not a person, in this story. Haroun finds out from Butt, the Hoopoe, that the celestial body that looks like "a large asteroid," is Kahani, the earth's second moon (page 67). Kahani moves so quickly that no instrument on earth has ever been able to pick it up. Kahani is covered with liquid, and shines with beautifully bright colors.
Later, Butt tells Haroun that Eggheads in the land of gup figured out how to control Kahani's rotation. Therefore, the Land of GUP dwells in "Endless Sunshine," while CHUP lives in perpetual darkness (page 80). Haroun realizes that this whole tale doesn't quite make sense, as if Kahani rotates around the earth, it must at some points be blocked by the earth between Kahani and the sun. However, Butt says to ask the Walrus about these types of questions. There is an element of a fantasy in the story about Kahani.