1. I believe the answer is: A. Quarterback
Quarterback is the person who throw the ball in American Football match. In order to be a good quarterback, you need to have a good eye sight to spot your receiver in far distance, and proper quickness/agility to throw before the opponent take you down.
2. I believe the answer is: D. Hockey
To obtain a score in soccer, the team must work together to put the ball into the opposition's goal/net. This scoring system is exactly the same as hockey, the only difference between the two is the type of field where they play and the number of players allowed in one game.
3. I believe the answer is: D.11
These 11 players would be divided into 4 main positions, which are goalkeeper, defender, midfielder, and forward. The numbers of players that could be palace as goalkeeper is only one, but the rest of positions could be filled accordingly depending on the team's strategy.
4. I believe the answer is: the offensive team gets a corner kick
this is taken from the corner field, inside the arc on the side of the goal where the ball went out of bounds. One player of the attacking team is allowed to make a direct pass to his teammates, but the defensive team's player is not allowed to make any interference toward the ball until it's kicked.