The nucleus is compared to the parents of the house because they control everything.
The cytoplasm is compared to the air because it is what everything is surrounded by.
The vacuole is compared to the kitchen because it stores food and water. This is an example of the vacuole.
The mitochondria is compared to the television because it produces energy. This is an example of the mitochondria.
The cillia is compared to the pipes because it keeps the structure.
The flagella is compared to the garage because it is an attachment to the house
The center is a picture of the nucleus
This is a picture of the cytoplasm
and the cytoplasm is the jelly like substance.
The centriole is compared to the kids because they are what keeps the house moving.
The vesicle is like the electricity in the house because it provides energy to the cell and the house
This shows an example of a animal cell vesicle
The ribosomes is compared to food because there is protein in food and the cell
This is an example of the ribosomes
in an animal cell.
The cytoskeloton is compared to the beams and poles in the house because it is what keeps the structure together.
This is an example of the cytoskeloton