1. I believe the answer is: developing industry.
Henry Grady's idea of the new south revolve around bringing the technological advancement that at that time predominantly exist on northern states to the agricultural production on the southern states, which he believed would improve southern's economy.
(2) I believe the answer is: Dominated by cotton
The southern states have warmer climate compared to the northern states, which is perfect for cotton to grow on. And since the southern states still experience an industrial revolution like the northern states did, the option for what to produce in the southern states was very limited.
(3) I believe the answer is: "used violence and intimidation."
Ku Klux Klan is a white power organization which established in order to get rid of non-white population in their area. In order to do this, they often used violence and intimidation towards black citizens, and some of them even not afraid to conducted a murder.
(4) I believe the answer is: To negotiate lower prices for supplies.
At that time, the increasing price of supply cut down their overall profit and make it really hard for farmers to sustain their family. Because of this, they banded up together and formed an alliance to pressure the suppliers into lowering their prices.