Hello, I am a Spanish speaker and would like to help you. So, how would we response to these questions? well, the answers are as follows:
1. ¿Quién habla contigo? (Who is talking to you?)
There are many ways we can answer this question. One of them is as follows:
Mi hermano está hablando conmigo (My brother is talking to me)
Mi hermano habla conmigo (My brother talks to me)
2. ¿Cuándo estudias con ella?? (when do you study with her?)
This question can be answered as follows:
Yo estudio con ella los lunes (I study with her every Monday)
This sentence is given in the present tens. So, studying with her is an habitual action or routine
3. ¿Qué escuchas con ellos? (¿What do you listen to with them?)
One way to answer this question is like this:
Con ellos escucho música clásica (I listen to classical music with them)
4. ¿Dónde practicas el español conmigo? (Where do you practice Spanish with me?)
The answer might be:
Yo practico el español contigo en tu casa (I practice Spanish with you at your home)
5. ¿Qué miras con nosotros? (What do you watch with us?)
The answer would be:
Yo miro el paisaje con ustedes (I look at the landscape with you)
All these answers may vary depending on the context of the conversation. The answers I gave you are simply examples of the structure the sentences can take place when asking those questions.