- Without it, all our higher order cognition (learning, memory, decision-making, social interaction) would not be possible!
- If we didn't have senses we wouldn't be able to make decisions/ have knowledge
- It's adaptive!
- ex. locating - through adaptation it's been very important
- Differences in sensation and perception mean differences in experience, and thus behaviour.
- ex. Bat- sound waves bounce off objects and back to them - they sense through smell.
- Sometime's our senses trick us....
Step-by-step explanation:
David Hubel and Torsten Wiesel - interested in how we perceive shape and form.
- used cat subjects
- found cells in V1 respond to slits of light of a specific orientation.
- some cells in the visual cortex, simple cells, display "yes-no" responses to slits of a specific orientation, but those slits need to be in a specific location.
Complex cells are also orientation specific, but their responses are less restricted to one location. This makes complex cells more advanced than simple cells
- Detect lines and edges
Receptor cells in the retina allowing us to see in colour.
- Different types of cells contain photopigments - chemicals that change following exposure to light.
-contain chromophore photopigments,
* 3 different kinds:
L: sensitive to long (red) wavelengths of light
M - sensitive to medium (green) wavelengths of light
* S - sensitive to short (blue) wavelengths of light
- Densely packed in the fovea
- Cones are responsible for our ability to see fine detail