1. A) preserved Greco-Roman culture
Justinian established the Corpus Juris Civilis (Body of Civil Law), which codified and organized the system of laws for the empire. Justinian ruled as emperor in the Eastern Roman Empire (which we now call the Byzantine Empire) from 527 to 565 AD. The "Justinian Code" of laws codified and preserved Roman law into the Middle Ages. The culture and values of Greco-Roman tradition were embodied in these laws.
2. A. importance of obedience among monastic orders
Benedict of Nursia (480 - 547 AD) founded a dozen communities of monks in Italy, and the rule he established for monastic discipline became a lasting testimony to the monastic way of life. The precepts he laid down urged monks to renounce their own will and "do battle under the Lord Christ, the true King," and take up "the strong, bright weapons of obedience." (Quote is from Prologue to the Rule of St. Benedict.)