Since this is a question that has multiple question in it, I will answer them in order, and try to give you a small explanation.
1. All of the following are true of dynamic stretchtcing, except: A: Slow, continuous movement. Dynamic, or active, stretching, has a really important purpose, and that is to prepare muscles for a specific active movement that will require power and force by warming the fibers up. As such, one characteristics that is NOT part of dynamic stretching is slow continuous movement. This is not part of the purpose of dynamic stretching.
2. The general food guidelines active in the United States, and specific for fruit servings for girls and boys is: B: 1 1/2 for girls and 2 cups per day, for boys. It must be remembered that these guidelines are based on the calorie and nutritional needs of human bodies, and especially in children, whose bodies require particular amounts of nutrient-rich foods. Fruits, because of their content of fructose, need to be more controlled in their daily intake than vegetables.
3. The best answer here is A: Consume the same number of calories as they burn. This is because the purpose is to MAINTAIN weight and not lose it. The rule is simple: weight= total number of calories in - total calories burned. What is not used, is stored as fat, and thus, as increased body mass.
4. In this case, I would have to say the best answer is B: Paired with a waist measurement is the perfect method to determine if weight loss os necessary. The reason is that, although for years doctors have determined obesity, and overweight problems, through BMI, recent research has demonstrated that determining BMI alone cannot dictate wether a person is truly overweight, and exactly where body fat is being stored more. Thus, today, many doctors also use the measurement of waist and height as a means to determine obesity and weight issues.
5. The best answer to this question, according to research, would be B: After the warm-up and during the cool down period. The reason is that stretching will demand certain elasticity from your ligaments and muscles that will be better activated once warm-up has been initiated. Stretching can be included in warm-up, but it must be gentle. However, the most effective time is when the muscles and ligaments are fully warmed and prepared, and this is after warm-up, and during the cooling process.
6. The best answer found, according to research, would be A: Duration you hold a stretch or perform a cardio activity. The principle of time training, which s part of the larger FITT Principle for Cardio, Strength, Stretching and Injury Prevention, states that Time is part of the variables that need to be adjusted in a training program. This time establishes the total time an athlete spends training or the duration of a specific workout session.