In Spanish, if the subject in a sentence performs an action on or for itself, then the verb is considered to be reflexive and the pronoun used to receive the action is reflexive. The singular reflexive pronouns are: me (myself), te (yourself), and se (yourself - formal or himself, herself). On the other hand, the plural reflexive pronouns are: nos (ourselves), os (yourselves - informal Spain), and se (yourselves, themselves). If the object of the verb is the same entity as the subject, you'll need to use a reflexive pronoun that matches the subject of the verb in both number (singular or plural) and person (first, second, or third). In Table 1 (below), you willl find the different forms Spanish reflexive pronouns take.
In this way, we can solve this problem as follows:
1. Nosotros nos cepillamos el pelo con el cepillo.
We brush our hair with the brush.
2. Tú te lavas las manos con el jabón.
You wash your hands with soap.
3. Ana y yo nos miramos en el espejo.
Ana and I look in the mirror.
4. Ustedes no se afeitan por la mañana.
You do not shave in the morning.
5. Yo me ducho temprano todas las mañanas.
I take a shower early every morning.