The graph will be a solid line with a y-intercept of negative four and a slope of seven. The graph will be shaded above the line.
In IR2 we can write any line in this form :

Where ''a'' is the slope and when
is the point in which the line intersects the y-axis and ''b'' is the y-intercept.
To solve the linear equality
we must first work with the expression

This line has a slope of 7 given that 7 is multiplying the variable x and a y-intercept of - 4
This line will divide the plane into two regions :
The region above the line and the region below the line
To decide which region we need to shade, we can put any arbitrary point in the expression
and see what happen.
For example the point

This final expression is true, therefore the point
belongs to the region
and we conclude that we need to shade above the line.
Given that in the expression
we have the symbol
and not > , we must include the line in the region. The line will be a solid line.
The correct description is '' The graph will be a solid line with a y-intercept of negative four and a slope of seven. The graph will be shaded above the line ''
I add a graph of the linear equality.