Co-terminal angles from given options are 300° , - 420°, 660°, - 780°.
Co-terminal angles are angles that have same terminal and initial sides.
We can find co-terminal angles by simply adding or subtracting k ×360° (where k = 1,2,3...) to the given angle.
So, co-terminal angle to -60° angles
- 60° + 360° = 300°
- 60° - 360° = - 420°
- 60° + 2×360° = - 60° + 720° = 660°
- 60° -2×360° = - 60° - 720° = - 780°
- 60° + 3×360° = - 60° + 1080° = 1020°
- 60° -2×360° = - 60° - 1080° = - 1140°
Thus, Co-terminal angles from given options are 300° , - 420°, 660°, - 780°.