The following question refers to the selection “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell.
Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Whitney’s tales of Ship-Trap Island foreshadow danger.
B.The fact that Rainsford smokes a pipe foreshadows his death.
C.The fact that Ivan does not speak foreshadows the story of Ivan’s youth.
D.Rainsford’s construction of traps foreshadows that he is an expert hunter.
What is the climax of the story?
A.The climax is when Rainsford figures out a plan to survive.
B.The climax is when Rainsford falls off the ship into the ocean.
C.The climax is when Rainsford and Zaroff come face to face in mortal combat.
D.The climax is when Rainsford learns that he will be hunted by Zaroff.