Hello, I am a Spanish speaker and would like to help you. So, in this exercise we need to conjugate each verb in the Present Tense Form. In Spanish, the simple present tense (el presente or el presente de indicativo) is used to talk about habitual actions, routines, things happening now or in the near future, universal truths, facts, hypotheticals, lapses of time, and for ordering in restaurants and stores. There are both regular and irregular indicative forms.
In Spanish, you can recognize some endings for regular verbs, one for ar verbs, one for er verbs and one for ir verbs. Thus, if you want to conjugate an ar verb, take away the infinitive ending ar and add the ending that matches the subject. On the other hand, if you want to conjugate an er verb, remove the infinitive ending er and add the ending that matches the subject. Finally, to conjugate an ir verb, take away the infinitive ending ir and add the ending that matches the subject.
There are some changes when using the present tense yo conjugations, so these changes build up the irregular form. In this way, verbs ending in guir, ger, or gir undergo a spelling change in their present tense yo forms. First, for verbs ending in guir, the yo form ends in go. Second, for verbs ending in ger or gir, the g in the yo form changes to a j. On the other hand, there are some exceptions regarding ar, er and ir verbs, so there are some of these types of verbs that have an irregular form.
So, by solving this problem we have:
1. Ustedes beben
Verb: Beber
The subject pronoun is Ustedes (second-person plural - formal you). So, for this pronoun take away the ending er and add en to the end of the verb.
2. Usted visita
The subject pronoun is Usted (second-person singular - formal you). So, for this pronoun take away the ending er and add a to the end of the verb.
3. Usted escucha
In this case, for this pronoun take away the ending ar and add a to the end of the verb
4. Usted estudia
In this case, for this pronoun take away the ending ar and add a to the end of the verb
5. Uds. comen
Uds. is the same as Ustedes. It is only use in the written form. For this pronoun take away the ending er and add en to the end of the verb
6. Uds. relatan
For this pronoun take away the ending ar and add an to the end of the verb
7. Uds. corren
For this pronoun take away the ending er and add en to the end of the verb
8. Uds. bailan
For this pronoun take away the ending ar and add an to the end of the verb
9. Uds. usan
For this pronoun take away the ending ar and add an to the end of the verb
10. Ud. come
Ud. is the same as Usted. It is only use in the written form. For this pronoun take away the ending er and add e to the end of the verb
11. Ud. escribe
For this pronoun take away the ending ir and add e to the end of the verb
12. Ud. es
The verb ser is irregular. So, the conjugation of this verb for the second-person singular (usted - formal you) is es.
13. Ud. bebe
For this pronoun take away the ending er and add e to the end of the verb
14. Ud. vive
For this pronoun take away the ending ir and add e to the end of the verb
15. Ud. respira
For this pronoun take away the ending ar and add a to the end of the verb