1. C. Subject-Verb-Indirect Object-Direct Object
The subject of the sentence is who or what the sentence is about. The main verb is either an action (something you can do) OR a linking verb (links a subject to its description). There can also be helping verbs as part of the verb phrase. The direct object answers the question: Subject-verb-what? "I emailed"-what? "my essay". The indirect object is who or what receives the direct object. A sentence with an indirect object must have a direct object. Also, indirect objects often come before the direct object.
2. Subject-verb
Early is not a direct object...it's not an object. You can't touch it. Early is just a simple adverb that describes when I finished.
3. Subject-Verb-predicate nominative
In this sentence the verb is a linking verb. Linking verbs are followed by predicate nominatives or predicate adjectives. Predicate nominatives are nouns (things you can touch). A predicate adjective are adjectives or descriptive words. In this case, you can touch a farm, so it's a noun, and therefore a predicate nominative.