The modernist movement was born as a reaction to the objective and rationalist ideas that characterized the Age of Enlightenment in the 18th century. At the end of the European Renaissance, empiricism began to be applied to the social sciences and humanities. However, this certainty of the objective and confidence in reason begin to decline in the nineteenth century with the arrival of a new generation of thinkers such as Sigmund Freud and Friedrich Nietzsche.
In one of Freud's first works, "Studies on hysteria," the author developed the idea that the unconscious is what determines much of mental life. According to his theory, all subjective reality is based on the basic impulses and instincts through which the phenomena of the outside world are perceived. His description of the subjective states implies an unconscious mind full of primary impulses that serve as a counterweight to the restrictions derived from social values
The psychoanalytic discipline that Freud developed in his studies of dreams and the unconscious mind served as the main inspiration for painters, writers, poets.