Step-by-step explanation:
In this case, we say that rhyolite is very closely related to granite, nonetheless rhyolite has a larger a mount of finer crystals than granite, which are as tiny as they are not possible to be seen by a simple look with out eyes. Moreover, rhyolite is an extrusive igneous rock that was formed by cooling down more rapidly than granite which provide it a glassy glance. Additionally, rhyolite is made up of quartz, feldspar, mica, and hornblende.
On the other hand, the granite is a shiny-like igneous rock with visible grans by a simple look (unlike rhyolite). It is formed when a sluggish crystallization of magma is carried out underground. It is majorly made up of quartz and feldspar with traces of mica, amphiboles, and other minerals.
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