Hello Kammy.
I'm assuming when you first asked this question, you were doing edgunity, like me.
I'm also assuming you passionately dislike the website, again like me.
In fact, "dislike" is just putting it nicely. :/
I'm currently taking the super long and dreadful post test, and I am up to my knees in stupid math questions nobody has time to do. :P
That's why I'm here.
Anyway, I'll stop delaying the answer here, lol.
The correct answer, to my knowledge, is x = 5 +/- sqrt(31), which for convenient reference, is answer A.
I'm sure I didn't help you, Kammy, as you asked this question like years ago, and I'm just gonna go on a limb and assume you probably don't need the answer any more (sorry). :P
However, I hope I do somehow help anyone else brooding through edgunuity and too lazy to actually do the work like me.
I hope you have a good day! :D