if this an't it i don't know what is
Native Americans are known for their handmade moccasins, which are not simply typical Native American footwear, but are a good source of income nowadays for Native American craftsman. The typical handmade moccasins are soft soled, made entirely of leather, and are sewn together with strong fibers. There is usually an intricate bead design at the front using a pattern of brightly colored beads. Handmade moccasins may also have leather fringes at the ankle. Many people nowadays buy handmade moccasins for comfortable wear at home, whereas Native Americans wore soft-soled handmade moccasins all the time. In spite of the soft soles, the rugged leather could stand a lot of wear and tear, snow and rain. Handmade moccasins should be protected from moisture. Native Americans traditionally used fat to keep rain and snow from ruining handmade moccasins.