1. Calotype, which was used of paper coated with silver iodine. This process contained sensitizing paper with a silver salt solution and exposing it to light. Doing that created a negative image of the subject, which could then be used to create contact prints where the light and shadows were reversed to show the image.
4. The Kodak Brownie, introduced in 1900, was a popular, affordable, and portable camera invented and produced by the Eastman Kodak Company. This camera used film rolls, and once the roll was finished, you just had to mail it to the Kodak company and they would send your developed images, and an extra roll. The Kodak Brownie had an exposure button, and a wheel to wind the film. I’m guessing that these cameras were called “Brownies” because that were made out of a brown material, most likely some kind of metal. This camera wasn’t used very often by professional photographers. They preferred cameras that required dry plates.
5 Richard Maddox developed a different technique to create negatives using gelatin instead of glass. This technique made the process of photo development easier and less complicated, because a darkroom wasn’t required to develop images.
6. This technology came from spy satellites invented during the Cold War. NASA also uses it.
7. The two main kinds of stock image licenses are Royalty Free and Rights Managed. The price of a Royalty Free image is determined by its size, while the price of a Rights Managed image depends on what you’re going to use it for. After purchasing a Royalty Free image, you can use it however many times you’d like, but if you buy a Rights Managed photo, you can only use it a certain number of times.
8.. George Eastman developed the film roll. Film was more convenient, cheaper, and overall better than the metal plates and chemicals previously used by photographers. Waiting to see if your photographs turned out was probably the hardest part of using twentieth century cameras.
10. I think that George Eastman had the largest impact on photography, because he invented the first portable camera that anyone could use. He also developed the film roll, which is still used by professional photographers to this day.