The correct answers are as follows:
1. Anthropology---> Man
Anthropology refers to a social science that investigates humans, the societies and cultures they live in, and the development of these aspects over time. Anthropologists are interested in topics such as: the culture and societies of ancient Egyptians, and how Egyptians live and interact with each other today, compared to thousands of years ago. The Greek root word "anthrop" means "man". Thus, the best option is to match "anthropology" with "man".
2. Psychology---> Mind
Psychology is a science that scientifically investigates human behaviors, emotions and cognition. Psychologists are interested in investigating topics such as: the causes and factors influencing racial prejudices and discrimination. The word psychology is derived from the Greek root word "psyche", which means, "mind" or "spirit". Thus, the best option is to match "psychology" with "mind".
3. Economy---> Law
Economy can be defined as the system and processes through which goods and services are produced and supplied to consumers in a nation or specified region. An economy also refers to an area or region (such as a country) where goods and services are produced and consumed, and where trade take place. An economy, and the practices of commerce it entails, are governed by certain laws or principles. Thus, the best option is to match economy with law.
4. Democracy---> People
A democracy refers to a system of government, where the people or members of a nation hold the supreme and ultimate power to elect representatives that run the affairs of the nation. In a democracy, usually, through the act of voting, the people of a nation elect key representatives, such as Presidents, Prime-ministers, etc., to run their country. The word democracy comes from the Greek root word, "demos', which means, "the people".
5. Judge--> Judicious
A judge refers to a governmental authority figure who possesses the power decide the outcome of lawsuits and legal cases in the court of law. A judge typically hears both the opposing sides of law suits and moderates the proceedings of hearings in a court. In non-jury trials, the judge decides the outcome of legal cases. The word "judge" is a derivative of the word "judicious", which means, showing and using sound judgement.