Answer 1 :
C) Generated when objects meet
Step-by-step explanation:
Force of impact is the force produced when objects meet. The faster you drive, the higher the influence or striking power of your vehicle. The laws of physics conclude that the strength of force rises with the intersection of the increment in speed. Work happens when a force is employed to move an object a specific distance. Therefore, work is like to force multiplied by the distance,
Answer 2 :
B) Friction
Step-by-step explanation:
Friction is a force that takes back the action of a sliding object. Friction is just that simple. You will find resistance universally that things come into connection with each other. The force works in the opposing direction to the way an object wants to slide. It is the outcome of the electromagnetic attraction among charged particles in two moving surfaces.
Answer 3:
A) Wear your seat belt
Step-by-step explanation:
Between drivers and front-seat passengers, seat belts decrease the risk of death by 45% and delete the hazard of severe injury by 50%. Seat belts restrain drivers and passengers from being removed through a collision. Seatbelts were efficient at stopping damage and were more useful at stopping more critical damages.
Answer 4:
B) Gravity
Gravity is a force of attraction that endures within any two bodies, any two groups, any two particles. Gravity is not just the attraction among objects and the Earth. It is because the Earth going around the Sun is in a magnetic stability. The speed of the Earth's action generates a centrifugal force which balances the gravitational force among the Sun and the Earth. Because there is no force to hold it.
Answer 5:
Prepare you for emergency situations and help you avoid collisions
Step-by-step explanation:
An emergency situation is any condition that acts as an instant threat to a person's health, safety, property, or habitat. Emergency Rules are laws published due to an instant threat to the public health, safety or welfare. These rules are used directly on the date of filing and continue in effect following for up to 180 days. Unless the rule is published in some perpetual form, it will terminate after the 180-day period.
Answer 1:
C) gravity
Step-by-step explanation:
Gravity is a force of attraction that endures within any two bodies, any two groups, any two particles. Gravity is not just the attraction among objects and the Earth. Gravity is a force pulling mutually all matter. The longer matter, the more gravity, so things that have a lot of material such as planets and moons and stars pull more firmly. Mass is how we estimate the amount of matter in something.
Answer 2:
A) Decelerate before the curve
Step-by-step explanation:
Decrease your speed before overtaking a curve. Watch out for road symbols signaling of nearing curves so that you have enough time to reduce down before driving through the curve. It is desirable to drive below the posted speed limit as you progress and drive through curves. Turn as little as probable.
Answer 3:
B) The energy that a piece of matter has because of its position or because of the arrangement of parts
Step-by-step explanation:
Potential energy is described as mechanical energy, saved energy, or energy created by its location. The energy that a ball has when sat at a top of a perpendicular hill while it is about to roll down is an example of potential energy. An object can store energy as the effect of its position. For example, the heavy ball of a wrecking machine is saving energy when it is maintained at a raised position. This stored energy of position is indicated to as potential energy.
Answer 4:
C) Acceleration
Step-by-step explanation:
Acceleration is the title we give to any method where the velocity variations. Since velocity is a speed and a direction, there are only two steps for you to accelerate, increase your speed or adjust your direction or rotate both. If you’re not replacing your speed and you’re not replacing your direction, then you really cannot be accelerating no matter how quick you’re going. So, a jet flying with a uniform velocity at 800 miles per hour with a straight line has zero acceleration, even though the jet is traveling very fast since the velocity isn’t changing.
Answer 5:
D) Both A and C
Step-by-step explanation:
Inertia is the resistance of any physical object to any alteration in its location and state of motion. This involves modifications to the object's speed, direction, or state of rest. Inertia is also described as the inclination of objects to keep moving in a straight line at a uniform velocity. The postulate of inertia is one of the basic principles of standard physics that are still utilized to represent the motion of objects and how they are influenced by the employed forces on them.