1. body frame
2. hip-to-waist ratio
3.the number of calories the body uses at rest
4,.to judge whether you are at a healthful weight for your height.
5..gender and age.
6.Fat is necessary for your body to function properly
7.They rid the body of fluids as well as nutrients.
Step-by-step explanation:
1. 1. What is determined by the weight and density of a person's bone structure?
body frame
2.. Which measurement determines body frame size?
hip-to-waist ratio
3 Which most closely defines the basal metabolic rate?3.
the number of calories the body uses at rest
Calories is the unit of energy we derive from the food we consume.
4. What is the purpose of the body mass index?
to judge whether you are at a healthful weight for your height.
#5. In addition to height and weight, which other characteristics must be taken into account to calculate BMI for children and teens?
.gender and age. Very key in measuring Body Mass Index
6,Which statement about fat is true?
Fat is necessary for your body to function properly
7. Why are diuretics an unhealthy way to lose weight?
They rid the body of fluids as well as nutrients.