Jesus Christ was born as a Jew, lived according to all religious and social rules, as required by the Old Testament, the holy book of the Jews. When, after a 40-day staying in a desert without food, a preaching began, he claimed that he did not come to abolish the Old Testament, but to fulfill it. Every word of the law must be a living faith that has been put into action. He cited passages from the Old Testament by applying them in practice. Thus we can say that Judaism led to the emergence of Christ's teachings, which was later somewhat called Christianity. Christianity did not only improve Abraham's teaching or Moses's teaching, contained all the teachings of the Old Testament, while Judaism did not contribute to the development of polytheism. On the other hand, followers of Christ are called Christians, who began to spread the teachings of Christ all over the world, by throwing a cube after the descent of the Holy Spirit, and so decided who would preach Christ's gospel to which side of the world.
The answer is C.